Convenience stores have been popular with American consumers since late 1920's. The number of c-stores surpassed all other US supermarkets, drug stores and competing retail channels combined by the end of 2008. Roughly 4.5% of American household budget is spent at a c-store, adding up to over 624 billion dollars in 2008. C-stores are a permanent fixture in our economy and they have evolved with technology.
PITT inventory offers comprehensive solutions for stores of all sizes. With one goal in mind: maximize profits while minimizing waste and theft. Some of the most common services we provide for our clients include:
Shrink Reduction
The data that is collected during an inventory audit allows you to identify high-shrink merchandise, high-shrink areas in your store, out of stock merchandise and deficiencies with your current procedures. According to a 2008 report, the average convenience store’s shrinkage rate is 1.32% of all retail sales*. This accounts for a total annual loss of over $15,000 per location, on average. By using the data and solutions that we make available, our average client reduces their overall shrinkage rate by 40% to 60% per location. Could you use an extra $600 – $1,000 per month?
Accurate Data Collection
Not knowing the real shrinkage rate in your stores can cost you more than merchandise. For a store with $80,000 in monthly sales, underestimating the rate of shrinkage by just 0.50% can cause a tax overpayment of $2,000 in just one year! Rely on accurate data for tax reporting purposes to avoid costly overpayments and missed write offs.
Inventory reduction & Sales Optimization
We work with the goal of reducing average inventory levels while maintaining the same level of sales. Together with your existing POS and back office systems, we offer sales optimization reporting. Merchandise that sells poorly in one location can be transferred to another location where the same item performs well. Dead or out of order merchandise can be identified and eliminated across multiple locations. For replenishment, we can implement an auto-ordering system, which allows to reduce average levels of stock frees up cash and realizes considerable savings.
Cost Savings
Beyond the inherent savings you will enjoy with shrink reduction and sales optimization, additional benefits of an outsourced inventory include:
- Low cost of labor: We are less expensive than your regular employees
- We use specialized equipment necessary for accurate data collection.
- Lower Risk: Our auditors have years of experience in data collection and have no bias or conflict of interest.
- Fast and Hassle-free: Our audit teams can perform an inventory count during business hours with no impact on store operations. Overnight and/or weekend times available.
- Accuracy – Our guaranteed margin of error is +/- 0.05%.
- Investigation– we are your inventory management partner. Our auditors stay on-site after the inventory count has been completed to review the report with your staff and investigate any merchandise shortages.
It is time that your inventory service did more than just count and run!
Contact Us Today For a Fast, No Obligation Project Estimate, And Get Sizable Cost Savings
We are the best in town because we not only accurately collect your required data and report back to you in the format needed; we also work with you post-inventory audit to investigate and assess your current position real-time. We are not only the best, we are the only inventory company that works with you to increase your profits. You have access to your Inventory Specialists, Project Managers and Account Executives at all times.
Your inventory is our passion! We do not count, hand you a piece of paper and run. What we do is communicate, plan, implement, interface, assess and excel at each and every inventory audit we do for you. You now see why PITT Inventory is the best in the industry.
At PITT Inventory we take the hassle out of the inventory process. Our five step approach is designed to make this process easy and hassle-free.